Wills and Probate
It can be extremely complicated for parents to work out the ‘ideal‘ distribution of their assets.
It can be extraordinarily difficult for a parent and child to have an objective conversation about the parents death and the inheritance of assets. The mediator can confidentially find out from each family member their real wishes and intentions and then using that information hope to build a plan to achieve each individual’s wishes as far as possible.
Where this hasn’t happened there can be very bitter and protracted rows over the will and probate. The value of the assets won’t increase so litigating over the probate will result in decreasing the value of the assets, Mediation can quickly get to grips with each family members wish and facilitate a solution. Thereby saving legal fees and a reduction in the assets available for distribution.

Benefits of Mediation for Wills and Probate
- Mediation provides a safe space for all members to express their views without fear of judgement
- Mediation helps to protect family relationships
- Mediation can help to provide creative solutions to challenging situations
- Mediation is quick and cost effective
Why work with Us
- Ethics and Expertise
Karen Erwin is our principal Mediator/ Karen has extensive experience in Wills and Probate mediation. Karen is a qualified legal professional and as such she is able to draft legally binding documents expediently and efficiently. She works nationally and internationally and is a leader in her field both in Ireland and abroad. Karen is a strong mediator who is skilled in handling challenging / difficult mediations. Karen, and all of our mediators agree to the MII code of conduct and the Mediation Act 2017 which sets out the ground rules for how mediators conduct themselves. - Organisation and Administration
At EMS we organise and administer all aspects of the mediation, co-ordinating all of the parties involved and managing all documentation. We are also qualified to draft legally binding agreements in-house with immediate effect. - Aftercare and Ongoing Relationship
We believe that it is important to ensure that all parties are have a successful outcome to the mediation and provide a post mediation service to ensure that the mediation has had the desired outcomes and to provide the basis for an ongoing relationship.