About Erwin Mediation Services
Erwin Mediation Services (EMS) delivers effective mediation, conflict resolution, facilitation and settlement possibilities for all types of disputes –commercial, professional,workplace, partnership, personal and family. Established by Karen Erwin, EMS works in a diversity of issues, situations and sectors.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
We work in all areas of conflict resolution – whether a facilitated discussion between two parties on a more informal level or in a more formal way by mediation. We specialise in facilitating large groups like corporate boards or boards of management – with current conflicts or issues or in strategic planning. Where change is an issue we help facilitate the change management process. We work with groups and train as required and if appropriate we coach relevant personnel.
Mediation Services
EMS arranges mediations for interested parties. Sometimes both parties have agreed before contacting EMS. On other occasions one party wants mediation and asks EMS to contact the other party to see if they would go that route. At other times the solicitor or union involved may contact us or a third party may be our first point of contact.
Once contacted, a senior member of EMS will discuss the possible mediation with the person who made contact and then will contact the other party and / or their legal advisers.
EMS will explain the mediation process and will answer any questions and deal with any matters of concern. We believe that time spent with the parties at this stage can be of great assistance to their understanding of the process and what may or may not happen during the course of the mediation.
EMS will get a broad outline of the nature of the dispute and will be then able to suggest a mediator who will be best suited to the mediate the dispute.
Experience and expertise
Karen Erwin is our main Mediator and she has a wide experience both in relation to numbers of mediations but also in range and diversity of issues covered. She works nationally and internationally and is involved with a number of intertcultural mediations. She is a leader in the field of mediation.
Where another Mediator would be more appropriate EMS will suggest someone on the basis of their experience and expertise, and the nature of the matters in dispute.
The parties will be given every opportunity to be happy with the suggested mediator and if they aren’t or if there is a conflict of interest another mediator will be suggested.
Once the mediator is agreed, EMS will liaise with all of the parties to agree a suitable date and venue for the mediation and will make arrangements for statements to be produced by the parties. EMS will also coordinate the bundle of documents, if any. We will go through the agreement to mediate with the parties and their advisers and ensure it is signed prior to the mediation.
EMS will work with the parties to ensure that they each have at the mediation a person with authority to settle the dispute and will keep the parties informed of who is attending the mediation for each party so that there are no surprises on the day.
All of our mediators must agree to the code of conduct which sets out the ground rules for how mediators conduct themselves.
Standards and quality
After each mediation, each party and adviser is asked to complete a feedback sheet assessing both the mediator and EMS on their performances throughout the process. By this means EMS continually monitors the standards and quality of service it provides.
We are committed not only to delivering best practice services but we also actively champion mediation and its use throughout Ireland, North and South. We believe that mediation is a very effective resource for companies,organisations and individuals and their legal representatives. To inform people of the merits of mediation we are happy to accept invitations to speak at seminars and conferences, present to companies and to publish articles on the benefits of mediation practise and procedure.